Guild Workshops & Lectures

Thank you for your interest in having me teach at your guild, shop, or event!

I love to speak to groups and teach fellow quilters the techniques I've learned or developed.

Here are some of the options I currently have available. Most of these are available both in-person & virtually.

Please email me at if you would like to book a workshop or lecture. I am currently booking for 2025 & 2026.

Workshops & Classes

Improv For Planners (full day - 6 hours)

Are you overwhelmed or intimidated by improv quilt techniques? Do you feel like you're too much of a planner to enjoy making a quilt without knowing what it's going to look like, and possibly "ruining" fabric in the process? 

Join me for Improv For Planners, a full-day workshop where I teach you my easy, not-intimidating method of making an improv quilt while still having control and structure throughout the process. And yes, the use of rulers is very much encouraged ;-)

Improv For Planners - CAD450

Foundation Paper Piecing for Beginners (half day - 3 hours)

Foundation Paper Piecing (FPP) is a fun technique to create intricate and precise quilt blocks, but it can feel a bit intimidating to get started.

In this 3-hour class we'll cover the basic technique of FPP using one of my beginner-friendly FPP block patterns (your choice). Once everyone is comfortable with the basics, we'll also have a look at the Freezer Paper method, which makes removing the paper much easier.

Foundation Paper Piecing - CAD275

Design your own quilt (coming soon)

In this workshop, we turn an everyday object into a fully-fledged quilt pattern that you can sew up at home.

I'll walk you through the process of finding inspiration in everyday items and developing it into a design that can be rendered in fabric following my easy 4-step IDEA framework. 

There is no sewing in this class, we only work with pencil & graph paper to bring your inspiration to life.

Design your own quilt - TBD

Are you looking for something different? I'm happy to consider other requests. Have a look at my patterns for some ideas.

Lectures & Trunk Shows

All lectures & trunk shows include an additional 15 minutes of Q&A time at the end.

Make Your Own Precuts - (30 min) virtual only

Are your scrap bins overflowing? Does the thought of having to dig through an unruly pile of scraps to make a quilt feel too overwhelming to even start?

In this mini lecture I walk you through a simple technique to help you get past the scrap overwhelm and get organized in a way that works for you and the kind of quilts you like to make. And I show you the easy technique I use to always have my scraps ready to go for any spur-of-the-moment quilt ideas. 

This lecture is ideal for online quilt groups or virtual guild meetings.

Make Your Own Precuts - CAD125

From Idea To Quilt - trunk show (1 hour)


Join me as I take you on my journey from first quilt to full-time quilter & pattern designer. On the way, I talk about how I learned to quilt, the mistakes I made and the lessons I learned. With each quilt shown, I'll take you behind the seams and show you where my design inspirations came from, and the (many) twists and turns they took to become quilt patterns.

From Idea To Quilt - CAD250