Line Dance SAL Weeks 6 & 7 - Making Blocks B

How did the first set of blocks go?

These next two weeks we'll be making the second set of blocks. These blocks are a mirror image of block A from last week, so all the tips and tricks from the last blog post still apply here.

I do recommend making another test block, just to get comfortable making the mirror image block. And also, you'll need a second block for the bonus tote or pillow ;-)

The instructions for block B are set up a little bit different. Formatting a pattern to print as a booklet means I have a set number of pages to work with, so in order to fit everything, I didn't have the room to write out the instructions twice. Since they are basically the same for both blocks, I opted instead to have a layout diagram and a note on pressing directions, and otherwise refer to the steps from blocks A.

The only tricky thing about this is, you'll need to keep referring to the block B layout when following the steps so you don't accidentally assemble pieces the way they go together in block A. Maybe keep the seam ripper handy to positively jinx things, in the same way that bringing an umbrella along usually means it won't end up raining ;-)

The only actual difference is pressing directions for steps 6 & 7, to make sure the seams end up nesting when sewing the blocks together to assemble the quilt top. These are specified beside the block B layout diagram.

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